Monday, August 30, 2010

Better School Food: Kids Bill of Rights

I absolutely LOVE this video!  A couple years ago, for Earth Day I burned a DVD for my Brownie Troop to watch at a meeting.   This was one of many videos that were on the DVD.

The elementary school that my daughter attends received a grant for an outdoor classroom last year... I felt very hopeful.  I was so inspired that I called the head of nutrition in our county to see about implementing the Farm to School program in our distric.  I didn't get much positive feed back from her at all.  She said that it wasn't feasible....

As much as I hate to admit it...I dropped the matter and didn't fight for change.

This is a subject that stirs much passion within me ... as well as the starting of a Community Garden. 

These things are important to me for a multitude of reasons. 

Nutrition is absolutely a priority for me. 

I believe that the makers of  "processed food" are the biggest "Drug Lords" on the block.  It is easy for society to back a "war on drugs" when they think the enemy is Meth, Heroine & Cocaine...

but what about MSG, growth hormones, pesticides, preservatives, artificial coloring. processing flour til it no longer holds any nutritional value... and REFINED SUGARS.

And don't even get me started on "genetically modified" anything... especially  seeds.

I know that these things are making our families SICK!

I think most everyone will agree how difficult it is to get a "drug addict" off Meth, Heroine or Coke...

but what about refined sugar?

or artificial additives?

We are allowing the schools and our home to turn our kids into "junkies"...

and we are paying for it...
and paying for it...
and paying for it.

hmmm... lets see... we feed our kids food that makes them sick... the wondrous machine that our body is... recognizes that our bodies are sick... so what does it do...

it stores FAT...
and keeps storing fat...

then we get "sick"...
pay many of the same companies that make our foods more money to get us "well" with their drugs...
then we are back to it all over...

it is capitalism at it's finest!

"reel her back in Debbie"
Another reason for wanting these initiatives... is the environment

does anyone know what one of the top reasons historians believe the Mayan civilization fell, or for the Great Depression (the Dust Bowl ring any bells)?

Depleting the soil of its nutrients ...

don't take my word for it... do your own research!

But one of my biggest reasons is to help foster a deeper sense of community.

Where is my "Village?"

So, I apologize for the soapbox...

just check out these videos...

a little ...  food for thought!

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