Friday, June 3, 2011

Odd Bird


This is one of many volunteers that has come up in my yard.  I can't be sure yet, but I believe this is probably a Martin House Gourd (kettle gourd).

I will sometimes move them, however they tend to be my best producers when I let them grow right where they are.

I Heard it Through the

This is another volunteer.
 It is not really my cup of tea (or should I say "wine") 
however my husband was really excited when he discover this vine many years ago.  
He has babied it ever since.
I will admit that it Does look pretty cool on the arbor he made for 
my gourds.

 "Cindy" Conner

Last Friday, 
I left to go to Roanoke for a funeral.

I really "hate" funerals!

Most people don't like them, I know...
however I don't like them for a really strange reason.

I am one of those people who will burst out laughing uncontrollably 
and then can't stop.

It's awful!
(I almost did it this time)

What I will say for funerals is this...

It does manage to bring people together.  

As much as I dislike the actual "funeral" or "memorial".  
I am so happy that I could be there for my friend and his family.

"Miller Rules"

I sure miss grass yards 

Cooling Off
in the River

After visiting Haven Farm,
 playing in the tree house and checking on "Cricket",
My "tour guides" took us to the river to "shut" my daughter up.

She had been bugging the poor boys to death about going swimming in the river.
It didn't seem to matter to her that there was a pool steps away in the back yard.
She wanted to swim in the RIVER!
That's my girl!

I have to laugh...
One of the shows that my daughter loves to watch with her Dad on Netflix is
"River Monster"

So while we were visiting a home with "cable" TV a rare treat for Mary, she decided to watch as many episodes of this show as she could.

I guess this would be like watching Jaws and then going to the beach.

So,  after all the pleading and begging to go to the river, 
we finally go...
 & guess what?

You guessed it...
she was terrified to get in.

But after some reassuring...
she wearily went in.

While she and my girlfriend were floating along they happened across a...

River Monster 

To the best of my "Google" knowledge, this is the skull of a young raccoon.
Not long after they pulled this out from under their feet,
they both got out of the water.

Earth Momma!

Oh how I love visiting Robin!
This woman doesn't have a "green thumb"
She has "Roots"
She is of the earth...

Vertical Garden

She gave me all kinds of goodies to add to my collection.
But, this vertical garden has to be the coolest!

Everything's Better with a Friend

After a draining road trip,
the last softball game of the season and temperatures close to 100...

We decided to bag homeschool classes...
and head to the beach.

 A New Bathing Suite
for me!

This is something different.
Making something for me...and I am overdue for a new bathing suite!

Just in time to, because we are taking my daughter's Girl Scout Troop to
Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park
today, for the weekend.

I better pack a survival kit!

Tobacco Box Gourd

Heirloom Tomatoes

Unfortunately the rope on top of the fences didn't keep those dang chickens out of the garden.
They wiped out a few more plants and all the seeds that I replanted.
So... I have tried something else.
So far, this has kept them off the plants
and out of the beds.


I planted MORE seeds
and they will probably be going in the ground when I get back from our GS trip.

An Odd Bird

This is not a sight you see everyday.

A Canadian Goose...
in June...
on the Outer Banks?

She wouldn't let anyone get too close
but I think she is guarding a nest.

It takes all kinds to make up this beautiful world!

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