Friday, June 11, 2010

Schools Out for Summer

Fennel Muncher
Volunteer Sunflower

Native Vine

Figs Already

MMM... MMM Good!!!


Bee Balm

In the Garden

New Mulch

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Ahhhh... "Mulch" Better!

I can't believe it is summertime already... yesterday was the last day of school for my daughter and I am both excited and a bit regretful. Regretful that I didn't get more accomplished while she was in school and excited that we will have lots of unique and memorable adventures together.

I am off to a great start. I woke up as the sun came up, poured some jo and headed outside . I have already checked on the chickens, let the dogs out, done some weeding, spread some mulch and planted a few remaining transplants in both the veggie patch ad the flower beds. All before 7am ... oh, yes ... life is good!

Yee Hawww!!!! It feels good to get down and dirty!

As much as I LOVE to play in the dirt... it is time to get down to business. I am on the last leg of finishing off the "creative landfill" I call my office/studio and my projects are backing up.

How bout some before and after shots...

Zucchini & Squash Before


Apple Gourds Before


I have been very busy in the yard...
"Weed Therapy"

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