Where To Start?
A lot has happened in 4 years, so much that it's probably best to just go with where my feet are right this moment.
Okay, maybe I better back up the bus
just a tad bit so I can share
a very BIG game changer for me.
In October 2019 up go the bones...
In October 2019 up go the bones...
The Greenhouse
Of course we kinda did things a little backwards.
Most of the folks I know start collecting windows YEARS
before they start their greenhouses.
Not us!
We did have a few old windows, a door
and a whole lot of giddy-up.
And you know what?
As soon as Bill started building...
windows started to find their way to us.
Live life...
As If
Some more windows...
As the cold evening temps started to quickly roll in
my Billy Goat Gruff, my hero, my hubby
started to close in the greenhouse even though we didn't have enough time or windows to finish the job.
Installing the rest of the windows will have to wait.
An Old Door
Some hardware, paint, tables, shelves, electric and water
and I am off and running.
All the plants that we used to bring in the house now could winter in the greenhouse.
Heck, even a few that I would have left out to fend for themselves found shelter from the cold.
As winter sets in here on our little island.
Things begin to slow down.
Well, I don't have to go into much detail here do I?
Winter tends to bring on solitude and introspection
for most of us
however, this winter takes it to a whole new level.
I have only just come out of the darkest winter of my life
and I don't mean literally.
(even if this past winter WAS quiet stormy)
I mean a physical, mental and spiritual winter.
For many years, I had just simply given up hope
of any kind of tomorrow for myself.
My health and depression had sunk to an all time low.
However, God
in Her infinite wisdom and love
did for me
what I could not do for myself.
Faith is Like a Seed
and planting a seed
is acting with faith
that there will be a tomorrow.
Time to Sow Seeds
... and
Transplant Seedlings
Sow more Seeds
Just when I have used up every bit of space in the greenhouse
it is time to plant the spring garden.
More Seeds
More Seeds
A few years ago
I handed the reins of the vegetable garden over to Bill.
He wasn't too happy about this to say the least.
But he did it, for me.
In his first growing season he remedied most of the issues
I had battled for years.
He brought a water source to the garden.
No more escape chickens massacring the garden.
He fortified and enlarged the chicken run, made a trap door and implemented movable fencing.
Now the chickens work for him.
Earning their Keep
Now Bill and I SHARE a love for gardening...
All this growth inspired me,
Bill and Mary to do MORE.
A New Compost Bin
More Seeds
More Plants...
and MORE plants!
Let me pump the brakes.
With all the abundance that this...
has brought into our lives.
I have to confess
the seeds of this abundance were planted long before the bones of this lovely were ever even
conjured up in my dreams.
In case you are not familiar with kombucha
it is a fermented tea
full of probiotics.
But alas that's a conversation for another day.
1 comment:
So much to comment on! Debbie, it has been so beautiful to watch you blossom again. You know how I feel about your home/nest😍. I’m so happy for you and your abundance. Also, I love all of these photos.
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