Monday, September 16, 2013

Til I Reach the Highest Ground!

The sale of my birdhouse gourd last week sparked a little motivation. 

So, I pulled out some bird feeders that I had started a while ago and never finished.
 I kept one in it's natural state and gave it a nice application of beeswax oil.
 Then the other I applied some orange leather dye.
I will finish them up with hanging holes,  decorative hangers and a clear coat to preserve the finish.

Hopefully, you will see them on my Etsy shop soon.

Then I pushed up my sleeves and got busy scrubbing some gourds.
Nothing like getting some mold under a girl's nails to make for an exciting day!
 Scrubbed, Drying and Waiting to Inspire!
I can't wait to share what Green Gourd Creation was born!

I know that you all will be waiting on the edge of your seats!

And if one sale wasn't enough...
the second sale in one week was down right inspirational!

Horseshoe Racks SOLD OUT!

There will be more available soon.
We have some in the making at this very moment.

This breath of fresh air, just keeps on coming!
Phoenix is back out in the pasture again with his buddy the Rocket Man...

And is slowly getting back into the swing of things again with Mary.

As much as I would love to take Mary out to see Phoenix everyday!
I can not tell you how nice it is to not have the stress of HAVING to go every day.

Allowing us to fall back into our much needed school routine.

8th Grade 
has begun even though we are waiting for some new books to come in.
They should be here in a couple days.

Everyone seems to be much happier in the Marchitelli house these days.

And maybe even outside the house to!

I thought that we only had one gourd this year...
There are several!

Yippy Ya!
Maybe when we feel good 
we may do good?

No wonder I am not getting much done...
My "studio" is sad
and cluttered.

My hope now is that since I have exposed my 
messy office...
I will be inclined to clean it up.
Let's see if it works.

I have high hopes!

A Constant Gardener

There's a topic that's been on my mind lately, and I needed to write about it.

I don't expect anyone to agree.
These are my thoughts and opinions.
And I am the sum of MY experiences and no other human has the exact sum.

A long time ago, my mother told me that there are two subjects that you should always steer away from in public or at parties ...
1.   Politics
2.  Religion

This is one of the rare times that I will cast off my mothers advice and jump head first into both of these topics.
But not in the way that you may think.

A couple weeks ago my sister sent me an email... she was in a MINI panic.

She just started homeschooling her boys this year.  And she has been flooding her brain with all kinds of information.
And she was about to commit and purchase a complete curriculum.

Most families who have made the decision to homeschool their children go through similar moments of panic.
And if they are honest...
they continue to grapple with their decision throughout their homeschooling journey.
Questioning always if their child is getting the best possible education.

here is the question she asked me:
"Do you teach Creation or Evolution?"

Folks, I don't think I truly grasped the weight of this question or my answer at the time.

It was late when I read and responded to her email.
And I gave her a somewhat brief response...
brief  for me anyway.

I told her simply that I taught
"Intelligent Design... which is kinda both"

Then I told her that it hadn't REALLY been a topic of discussion within our Science curriculum yet.  
(folks, I really thought this was a Non-Issue)

I also felt that our text had a very balanced viewpoint of both sides.  

Then I told her that I felt that there would not be any ONE curriculum that would fall inline with all that we believe.
So we need to take what we like and leave the rest.

God truly has a sense of humor.
It is ALL relevant!

after Ginny's email question, 
I decided to check the index of Mary's science book and see what it had to say about
The title of the book alone 
seems to give it's position on Creation.
However, you know the old saying...
"Never judge a book by it's cover."
Or can you?
like I said earlier... 
up to this point
we really had not ventured much into this topic.
Or so I thought!
However, there was a lot on the subject in her very next chapter.

I started reading the next chapter.

What is Uniformitarianism or Catastrophism?
And what exactly does this have to do with
Creation vs Evolution?

A lot!
I didn't realize how much until this question arouse.
I had to go back a few modules.
Definition PLEASE?


Reading on...

And what I read left me asking even more questions.


I think I better give a little background on my beliefs first.
I am a Roman Catholic by birth and now by choice.

My whole life,
I had been taught, first in public school and then in college (via History) about Evolution and never given any reason to believe otherwise from my devout mother.
My Church taught me that God was the creator of all things.
If I ever questioned the interpretation of the story of Genesis and the theory of Evolution out loud, I don't recall my mother's response.
However, it has always been my belief that both Creation and Evolution co-existed.
It had never occurred to me to believe that it was 
Either/Or ...
and I still do not.

It blows my mind how different groups can change the definition of words to encompass such rigid all encompassing theories to manipulate and force their own personal agendas.

Those who win the war or those with the most power write the history (or science.)

This doesn't necessarily mean the "TRUTH".

For some reason a while back, I asked my priest...
"As a Catholic Priest and teacher, what is your position on Creation -vs- Evolution?"

His response was
"Intelligent Design"

I never really gave it much thought, until NOW.
I suppose I just assumed
and DON'T LAUGH ...
that this meant intelligent individuals could not dispute all the findings that supported evolution but still had faith that God created the "world".
Who knows how long a "day" was in the beginning it could have been millions of years or even billions.
So here I am TODAY...
teaching my daughter science.

The only science I took in college was 2 years of Psychology and 1 of Sociology.

I dropped out before I had the opportunity to take Biology, Chemistry or even to receive my teaching degree.
(what I had originally gone to school for)

I am feeling a bit like a fish out of water...
however, I am "adapting".

So what is "Intelligent Design" 
... really?

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection

How Intelligent Design Works

by: How Stuff Works

Intelligent design (ID) is a form of creationism based on the argument from designand promulgated by the Discovery Institute, a politically conservative think tank based in the United States.
defined by: Wikipedia 

There are as many opinions and definitions of Intelligent Design 
as there are branches of 
(a lot has "evolved" since the council of Nicaea and the reign of Henry VIII)

So I tried to dig a little deeper into this subject of Intelligent Design.
And came across a movie on 

A very good movie I must say!
Then another one ...

My head was spinning after these two movies.
I am so glad I didn't watch them both in the same day or even two.
My head would probably have exploded if I had watched them back to back.

I have come to the conclusion that all this debate is a bunch of political crap!
And I also have to say that I am sick to death of 

I am a REGISTERED Independent and proud of it!
Every side with their holier than thou talking points and sound bites.
There is no such thing as a "One Size Fits All"
in politics, education or faith.
People have become LAZY in all of these affairs!
And quite frankly rather apathetic as well!
Especially in thought and faith!
I am guilty as well.
There is no such thing as a true Liberal or Conservative.
If people were completely honest, they would have to admit that they share a little of BOTH fundamentally, depending on the subject.
We as humans, as citizens and spiritual beings are far more complex than any label can give us.
People have gotten so caught up with defending their position or rather bashing someone else's
that the actual pursuit of TRUTH is lost.

I know that I had been struggling with whether I should send Mary back to public school or not...
and now I am all the more convinced than ever, that I have made the right decision for 

From the statistics I have seen...

Between 80-90% of Americans believe in God.
And most people believe that dinosaurs existed.
when you throw this word out there
ev·o·lu·tion  (v-lshn, v-)
1. A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form. See Synonyms at development.
a. The process of developing.
b. Gradual development.
3. Biology
a. Change in the genetic composition of a population during successive generations, as a result of natural selection acting on the genetic variation among individuals, and resulting in the development of new species.
b. The historical development of a related group of organisms; phylogeny.
4. A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements.
5. Mathematics The extraction of a root of a quantity.

It seems as if folks heads start to spin around and split pea soup starts shooting from their mouths by the mere mention of the word, EVOLUTION.

This is SCIENCE we are talking about.
Science: an area of knowledge that is an object of study.
This is where we study the natural world using the scientific method.
Which deals with observable facts and conclusions.

It was once scientific law that the sun revolved around the world and that Pluto was a planet.
So is't all theory, disguised as scientific fact til another scientist comes along with their own theory or observable facts?

A safe drug yesterday, gives you cancer today.
"Truth" and "Fact" is constantly changing/evolving.

Do you care?
You probably don't unless you are teaching, preaching or being tested.

So... I care!

I am teaching.

I don't understand why politicians or scientists keep trying to make Intelligent design a fundamental Christian / Creationist agenda.
It doesn't push or force a belief in God...
it merely leaves room to ask questions.
It gives argument to Darwin's idea of Random Mutation.
And argues that there is nothing RANDOM about nature.

Or why those same folks want to claim that Evolution means a lack of belief in God.

Politicians are mandating what to teach our children thus what is printed in textbooks.
This is not just in science either.
It's is also relevant to what is taught in our history books.

To exclude God, religion, religious leaders or an oppressed minority from our history is not giving an accurate portrait of history.
I understand the overwhelming difficulty of deciding who's truth to present.
I don't believe that this is what Thomas Jefferson meant by the "separation of church and state" either.

If I thought that it was time consuming to homeschool...
Picking through every bit of information out there.
Choosing a style of education, then curricula and now I have to go through it all again with a fine tooth comb.

I can't imagine how overwhelming it would be to comb through what is being taught in Public Schools.  That's a lot of State and Local Board of Education meetings, text reading and honestly sitting in during lectures.

Or I could just have faith that all these hands of absolute strangers and political agendas have my child's best interest in mind at all times.
I know that I sound like an absolute control freak.
And honestly I am.
However, this is MY child I am talking about.
The most important job of my life...
is to make sure that she is given the tools to become a healthy, happy and prepared adult.

That's my JOB!
Not to be a consumer, to accumulate wealth or status, and not to blindly follow the herd.

My sister's 1 simple question has turned our "classroom" upside down.
This is how God works in MY life...
and I am grateful!
because of this ONE question,
Bill is taking more of an interest in Mary's lessons where he wasn't before.

It is my belief ...

that we all learn, especially children by asking questions.

Thankfully I have been given an opportunity to create a 
in which all questions are relevant and openly discussed.  
My daughter is able to question what she reads and is allowed to study and pursue knowledge instead of being taught that there is only one correct answer...
or one side to history.
To be given only one story is not FAITH or KNOWLEDGE.
Seeking truth and freely choosing your path however allows room for the seed of FAITH and knowledge to grow.
I was once told 

the best teachers are those who are teachable.

And that when the student is ready the teacher will appear!

I truly am BLESSED!


Saturday, September 7, 2013


It's been a couple weeks since my last blog.

So, I know there are some things we need to catch up on.

The first thing that I want to tell you is that I didn't wait til I had more designs before putting the

Sparklelicious Headbands 

on my 

I went ahead and listed all the headbands we have at the moment for sale and created a new section in the shop called 

Deciding what to say about each item and getting all the dimensions is usually the hardest part about selling on etsy, in my opinion. 
So, now that I have broken the ice... 
and have mastered the art of cut & paste 
it will be much easier to add new colors and designs to Mem's headbands. 

I know this will make Mary happy since all the proceeds go toward her softball fund... 
after-all it was her brain child. 

While my neighbors & friends were getting ready for school to start 
Mary, Bill and I headed down to Salvo to WELCOME my soul sister and family 
into town. 
Since we still had two days left of her 7th grade year. 
I decided we would use these last two physical days as a "field trip"
to study 

And what better place to do some field research than... 

The Old Lifeguard Station 

aka... "The Boilers" 

And let me tell you it took us all day to collect all that data! 

Then it was back home to get a good nite's rest. 

After our morning routines we headed out to the barn to check on Phoenix's leg. 
Mary took full advantage of the nice weather and gave him a bath. 

But this goof-ball likes to drink and play with the water more than take a shower. 

Mary also used this opportunity to give him a good sheath cleaning.

Luckily for her he is usually VERY cooperative. 
I am super proud of her for doing this. 

I know some grown folks who can't/don't do this part of horse grooming and health care...
myself included. 

These boys can get PRETTY nasty! 

When life gives you 

You find the nearest 

Kiddy Pool
Unfortunately for Robin and her family the first couple days they were here, the water was pretty ruff.

But I don't think that it stopped anyone from having fun and enjoying a day at the beach.
We love tide pools!

But the winds shifted and the good times rolled in!

Man do I remember these days.

However, I also remember when this fella's mom was the same age running around on the beach naked and eating sand to.


We are getting old, Ya Ya!

Most of my close peeps know that I have been struggling with some pretty heavy stuff.

I have share on my blog some of these things but some of the BIG stuff , I have kept pretty close to my belt.

So I am HAPPY to say...

There has been some serious healing mojo going on the last couple weeks.

Beach Therapy!
Along with some ...

Crow's Nest Contemplation

Followed by some long needed conversations.

Obviously not all my troubles are gone 
or all my problems solved.
But I have to say that the boil has ruptured...

the pain is receding...

and now it is time for some more healing.

Thanks to my two sisters...
(one by origin and the other by choice)
I am finding my way back.

I'm laughing more...

I'm listening to more music...

I'm going to bed earlier...

getting up earlier...

and I am finding my voice again!

I also made 5 new wash rags and 4 new swiffer pads...

Then put them to good use!

I even have a NEW project...

Sanity on a Scain

On another good note...

Phoenix's original leg wound is almost completely healed and we are going to start working him again this week. 

If all goes well, I think we might be able to turn him back out by the end of the week.

New Sport Boots 

This isn't bubble wrap, but...
he can wear these out in the pasture.

Hopefully they will help keep Phoenix out of trouble for a little while.

I sure sure hope so!

My Little Indigo
A doodle by Mary Elizabeth

"In many shamanic societies, if you came to a shaman or medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of the four questions.

When did you stop DANCING?

When did you stop SINGING? 

When did you stop being ENCHANTED BY STORIES

When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of SILENCE? 

Where we have stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories, or finding comfort in silence is where we have experienced the loss of soul. 

Dancing, singing, storytelling, and silence are the four universal healing salves."