Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dust 'em Off

What a ...
Long Strange Trip

 I couldn't even tell ya where this picture was taken...
there were so many stops along the way!

So Many Roads

I may not have always kept my "day job" back then
but once all my cash had run out...
even with a miracle ticket ...
I had to make money some how to get from show to show.

The parking lots were filled with vendors
and I was one of the many.
I wrapped hair...
sold food...
and I picked up the art of beading.
I made earrings, necklaces, berets and other decorative pieces.
I sold my bead work, beads and even my own cloths once or twice. 

But I also picked up some really beautiful beads along the way as well.

I don't reminisce these days to often...
as sad as it is to say
music just isn't as BIG a part of my life as it use to be.
I wish it were.
Back then... 
there were not many moments in a day
that music didn't fill the air.

I still listen to music...
just not like I use to.

I also haven't done any beading in YEARS.

A few days ago during a class video chat...

Language Arts

Mary discovered that I use to make jewelry.
After class, she was showing off some of her jewelry to the girls when my girlfriend made a comment like 
"of course you love to bead and make jewelry."
That is when I told her that Mary had no idea that I ever did bead-work.
To add to Mary's surprise...
she found out that I still have a lot of my beads stashed away out in the shop collecting dust.

Mary couldn't believe that I had all these beads and never told her.
I have to say that I am a little surprised as well.

It isn't like I was keeping it a secret.
Or was I?

I think I am still mourning that part of my life!
I really do have some wonderful memories
fragmented as they may be.

Mary wanted to make something for a Birthday present...
So, I figured it was time to find those beads,
dust them off 

Pass 'em On

 Check out these beautiful earrings Mary made!

And to go with it...

Homemade Card

with a little cardboard, duck tape, fabric, sketch paper...
a whole lot of 



there is  a unique card to go with her 
Handmade Gift

for one of her favorite people ever!

Guess this Apple didn't fall to far from the 


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