Saturday, April 23, 2011


A Few Stragglers


Hello, Yellow

It's a Southern Thang...

 Just when I think that spring in my yard is only purple and yellow.


2 Days
Chicken Free

 I finally felt safe enough to plant my seeds in the garden.
Not because of the frost or weather...
but because of those dang chickens!

Sometimes chickens in the garden are a good thing.

But just after planting seeds and putting in young tender seedlings...
not so good.
They will either eat or bury all your hard work.

Last year I put bird netting over my beds, thinking this would help...
and it did.

However my conscious was burdened 
when I found a hog nosed snake
 that got himself stuck in the netting and I didn't find him in time.

So this year...

after the shared knowledge from the Island Farm,

I proceeded to plant my spring seeds...
and seedlings
Beets, Spinach, Lettuce, Carrots, Beans, Peas, Corn Tomatoes, Peppers, Squash, Cucumbers & more Tomatoes.

Unfortunately, a few chickens still found their way into my freshly planted garden.
Hopefully they didn't eat all my seeds...
and only one plant looked a little worse for wear.


 On the second day... 1 chicken still found her way into the garden.
Persistent young thing!
Fortunately, she doesn't care much for tomato leaves.

Companion Gardening

 I have one perennial bed in my vegetable garden.  
I usually only keep herbs and perennials in it,
but this year I thought I would try something a little different.

I planted some tomatoes in with my Asparagus and Bee Balm.

oh yeah...



After the CRAZY winter weather we had here, I am surprised to even see that this tree even has any growth on it...
especially fruit.

Three Sisters

 I am going to try this again.  

I didn't have much luck last year with it...
but then again ...
I didn't have much luck in the garden at all last year.

Three Sisters is a traditional Native American grouping of plants.
Corn, Beans & Squash

I may have to throw a pumpkin out there later.

Pick a Peck of Peppers

I have a good feeling that this year will be a better year for the garden.
I have a few more seeds I want to start...
and a few more seedlings to put in the ground
then it is over to the flower beds.


This is a native vine that came up and is thriving on it's own.

These are my hubby's doing.
He is bound and determined to have grapes.

I personally, am not a fan.
But, I have to throw the man a bone once in a while 
I may not get his TLC in the garden 
when I need it.

Higher & Higher...  

 It was getting ridiculous!
How much higher could we go?
Picked fencing, lattice and then chicken wire.

Enough is enough!
I think we have the solution.

Island Farm shared a tool that they implemented 
after their chickens completely  demolished their garden the first year they opened.


That's it... 

rope strung just a few inches above the fencing.

It seems that chickens don't like to land on rope or wire...

and they typically will not fly over a fence.
They will fly up..
and then fly down.

You gotta love a Historian...
thanks for the research!

Now they even have a place to hang the laundry on wash day!


Soaked and Ready to Go
 Bush Beans

Mo Maters

Family Tree

Share the love!

A Lilac from my sister- in- law
a Pomegranate from my cousin.

Indian Hawthorn

I love this bush!

Did I mention that Spring is my favorite season?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

You're Outta Here...

 ... so I'm in a funk.
One of my many "issues" at the moment is the lack of a camera...
ugggh... I was just in this predicament not long ago, anyone remember?

oh well... this dang tech addiction I have...
I really need to remember how I functioned before the internet and cell phones.
There are a few other more pressing issues that brought on this 


However, since this is a POSITIVE journal we won't go there today.

This is my FAVORITE time of the year

 I am sick and tierd of being sick and tierd!

"FUNK... you're ...OUTTA HERE!"

It's time to get back in the game!

My "New" Old Used Camera

Kodak EasyShare C143 Digital Camera (Green)
I don't have it yet, but I soon will be back in the digital zone.
So keep your eyes peeled for my clicks...

Yesterday I was back diggin in the dirt...

It Feels Good to be a Dirty Girl

I have been beating myself up lately...
"SHOULDing" on myslf!

But after a phone call with my little sista, 
and a vist from a "Kat" who always shows up, even when I don't.
 I have a different perspective!
Thanks fer calling..."Iggy" & thanks fer stopping by "Kat"
I am pretty sure I came out on the better end of the stick this time...

As I went looking for some old photos to put in today's blog,
I ran across some of my pictures from this time last year and you know...
I am really not any further behind in my gardening than I was last year.

I think it is fare to say that I am even further ahead.
Last year, I bought my plants I think.
This year I started everything from seed.
Heirlooms at that...

 Indian Hawthorn

This year, all my plants are looking even better than last years...

My Wisteria is almost completely bloomed out, the Scotch Broom, and Lady Banks roses are exploding!

Spring has Sprung!

Unfortunately the first set of seedlings I set out to harden...

those dang chickens laid to waste!
They jumped right up on my potting table and ate every last morsel.

Fortunately for us and the chickens... I didn't give away or set out all my seedlings.

I didn't plant any of my seeds directly into the ground because I have been stubbern...

I didn't want those yard birds to dig up all my work...
they keep finding a way into my garden.

Until NOW...

Mary and I went on a Homeschool Field Trip to

The Island Farm 

all photos above are copywrited by island farm
While we were there I noticed that there were NO CHICKENS in the garden.

So, I asked them...
"How do you keep your chickens out of your garden?"

She smiled and told me...

I will share the good news once I have implemented the "secret weapon" and can share a photo.

By the way...

the Field Trip was AWESOME!

I also worked on my husbands website
& created a Facebook page for him
(Geez... I haven't even done that for greengourd)

I figured it would be a nice thing since we are in day 4 of the

9th Annual OBX Bike Week

Check out the new widgets at the top of the page!

I did figure out how to put the Etsy widget with direct access to my shop on my blog though!

I am getting out of the funk already.

Softball is in full "SWING"
and it seems we finally have the weather to go with it.

Last year at this time we were here ...

Easter Peeps

This year...

Easter Eggs

We have been spending a LOT of time out at the Barn...
not much of anything not related to horses has gotten done.  I am not much good at multi tasking...
Practice, practice, practice...

We are finally getting the hang of it though.
It is uncomfortable...
change usually is for me.

We are on day 3 of not going to the barn to see Phoenix...

but the discomfort is...
from my compulsive nature

"All or Nothing"
"Black or White"

Thank goodness this too shall pass...

We will be going out to the barn tomorrow...

However, this creature of habit needs to have a ROUTINE.
a mix of the old routine...
 with a new addition.

A new GREY.

Time to take the class outdoors while I work in the dirt!

Mary just started a new Unit Study...

she LOVES this book


I have to say... I really enjoyed this one too!

Shewwww... I feel better already!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What is TJEd

I know that it has been a while since I have blogged.  But I ran across this today and I felt like sharing...

This is rather long... 34 min.  

however, it was very inspiring to me.


 Thomas Jefferson Education